After answering about ten calls from you, the "concerned faithful" I thought it would be wise to let you see what a blessing TD Claudette turned out to be. Its amazing how TV leaves viewers with such a distorted view of reality. To sum it up, Claudette hit around lunch time with a force of wind that was about as strong as the medium option on my bedroon ceiling fan. It dropped enough rain that we probably wont have to run the sprinkler on the model lots tonight. But Claudette will indeed live in our memories as the day we started laying the streets. Yes folks, we are getting that close. Today they began laying our brick paver streets one brick at a time. It'll take them a few weeks but as with all things, getting started is usually the hardest part. Lets take a minute to answer all the "No Mores" that are now true. No more heavy trucks are allowed on our precious roads( this makes me laugh as we are building this place for the heaviest machines legally allowed on the road). No more dumping out ten pounds of sand out of my shoes when i get home at night. And last but not least, No more good excuses for those prospects who are waiting to see what everything is going to look like.
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